“And on day two i have to say i am impressed, the borg seem to be dissapearing”

Thanks to the Northamptonshire Cannabis Social Club for this ringing endorsement of MiteShield

 I have just started using the sample bottle you sent me last year. And on day two i have to say i am impressed, the borg seem to be dissapearing.

So you can get back to enjoying the fruits of your labours without any toxic aftermath whatsoever. Thanks for your feedback.

Plants threatened by spider mites saved by MiteShield

Today’s feedback comes from A. Groman who had a thorny issue with his plants.

I had an small infestation when I came across MiteShield, I quickly asked for some of their product, it was dispatched and arrived in a couple of days, I used it as directed in all my plant pots, and thankfully, the others didn’t have a problem at all!!, the infected plant continued to hatch the remaining eggs, but the little buggers never spread beyond a few at any time. Fantastic stuff!!

A Groman

Mr. Groman reports that the single troubled plant had been stressed from being over-fertilised and had required a flushing. Plants in a weakened state may have fewer resources to fight mites, even if they’re able to. MiteShield works by activating the plants natural defences – but if the plant is knackered in the first place it’s capacity to defend is diminished. Nevertheless, a good result.

Get rid of spider mites organically with Miteshield – Siobhan’s story

Get rid of spider mites naturally http://www.flickr.com/photos/timparkinson/3633080646/

Get rid of Spider Mites

Get rid of spider mites on your plants naturally, even when you think you have no time to spare, with MiteShield.

It is crucial, especially when you see one plant infestation and just know it’s likely to spread to get rid of spider mites quickly.

One MiteShield user, Siobhán, wrote back to us about her plants, which were infested with spider mites, with one plant in particular being the ‘typhoid mary’ of the group.

All our plants had mites, so when your sample arrived we applied it as per the instructions. It seemed like they totally disappeared the first day and nothing the 2nd day but the 3rd day i saw 3 alive only, then they died later on id say cuz I can’t find em any more!

The worst plant was not totally beyond saving and hasn’t deteriorated at all, the other ones are growing better immediately. thank you!
Siobhan M.

A quick result, thankfully – thanks for taking the time to contact us Siobhán – we’re delighted with your feedback 🙂

Get rid of spider mites naturally with MiteShield

If you find yourself in the same situation as Siobhán, with no time to lose to get rid of your spider mite infestation, you may reach for the sprays first to stop their spread.

Consider this, however – spraying may be interfering with the integrity of the flowers or herbs, which have their own subtle balance of volatile oils which you may not care to disrupt. Instead, Reach for MiteShield prepare, water, wait for 3 days (usually) and watch them go away.

No need to go reaching for any toxic chemicals or spraying alcohol and volatile oils like Neem onto your plants. The sprays will effect the plant’s crop – especially if it’s being grown to be eaten or used medicinally.

Spider Mites cleared from cuttings

Recent feedback from our MiteShield Facebook subscriber, Adam.

Spider Mite by squashbottomcat http://www.flickr.com/photos/87694460@N00/2028310367/in/set-72157617568585670/

Spider Mite

Hey Guys We dosed 8 Cuttings with mites and 2 adult plants without, The adult plants are Mite free still and as of 2 days ago the cuttings seem to be mite free now too! The cuts new leaves have no evidence of mites. They were dosed on the 11th sept as per instructions and seems to be doing the job. My friend has a particularly bad time with mites to it will be good test to see if any return. So all good so far! Let you know in a month or so with an update. Thanks again guys! adam.

Thanks for your feedback, Adam 🙂
Two months later, Adam updated us..
Just received some feedback. 2 months since dosing cuttings and a month into flower still no sign of mites. Quite impressive considering this person had a consistently bad time with infestations. The basil I tried it on is now free of bugs. Good results so far miteshield. 🙂



Get rid of Thrips with MiteShield – a grower writes to us



We recently heard from a grateful hydro grower who used MiteShield for his problem with Thrips. He writes:

Was going to email last week, but thought I’d give it another week to make sure.

All I can say is amazing!!!!!!  Miteshield has worked a dream, thrips are still there but not able to feed, or if they are the roots are outgrowing them.

Applied the following way,

  1. Mixed as per instruction
  2. Applied to res. (not sure if this is relevant but I leave the tap water to stand for 24 hours before using it to allow the chlorine a chance to evaporate).
  3.  *shield left in res for 12 hours
  4. Opened res and applied a fish tank UV light to the solution for 3 hours

  Can I get some more Miteshield, say 50ml or so?

Of course you can! Thanks for writing.